COVID-19 Update
HUMC COVID-19 Protocols-Updated May 2023 :
In order to provide the safest and most comfortable experience for everyone while at HUMC, the Safe Re-Entry Team has established the following guidelines:
Effective immediately:
- We no longer require any sign-in sheets for any events or happenings going on at HUMC.
- We will no longer post the Green/Yellow/Red signs. However, we will continue to post signs saying: “If you don’t feel well, please stay home & get some rest.”
- We will continue to have masks available at the church entrances and the entrances to our sanctuary. If you would like to wear one, please do so.
- We will also continue to have hand sanitizer available throughout the building and in in the pews, to assist with healthy hygiene and to continue to cut down on the spread of any germs and viruses.
- If for any reason things change and Rockingham County enters into a Red Zone, we will implement past Red Protocols and proceed as necessary.