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Opportunities to Get Involved

Here are some great ways to get involved at the Hampton United Methodist Church

Sunday Morning Readers and Greeters Needed

Please sign up to be a reader at our Sunday morning service. It’s great way to participate in our service!

All ages are welcome. Your reading will be emailed to you. The Bible version we use is the NEW Revised Standard Version (pulpit Bible). If you study the Scriptures via a Bible online, such as, it is listed as NRSVUE (New Revised Standard Version – Updated Edition). We are only permitted to read from the New Revised Standard Version. If you need further guidance or would like  to sign up, please contact the church office at 603.926.2702 .

If being a reader is not of interest, how about being a greeter /usher to help welcome people to our worship service? There is a need for 2 people weekly to greet/usher to direct others to bulletins, the sign up sheets, communion elements on Communion Sundays and masks as needed as they arrive in the sanctuary.

If you wish to sign up to be a greeter/usher, please contact Mary Adie.

 ++ Thank you and God bless! ++