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U.M. Army Update

U.M. ARMY UPDATE – We now have applications available for church members and friends to fill out for projects they would like the Mission Team that is coming to do for them. Applications are available from the church office and on the table outside of Pastor Sue’s office. The team will be here July 14 -20th  and will spend the week working on home repair and maintenance needs at no charge for those unable to afford or physically do the work themselves. The U.M. ARMY likes to do at least one handicap ramp in a community. If you, or someone you know, could use some help, please fill out an application. Since the U.M. ARMY team will only be here for a week, they may not be able to help all who apply. In May, members from the UM ARMY program will visit the sites and determine who they will be able to help. Please return the application to the church office as soon as possible. If you have questions about the application, or if someone would be eligible, contact Mary Tremblay:

Our NE Conference has a wealth of information in their Connected Newsletter. Click this link:

American Red Cross Blood Drives will be held in Carter Hall on June 14th from 12-6.